Customs consultancy

Cutraco is specialised in offering in-house customs consultancy services to our clients. We apply a pragmatic and operational approach to our consultancy services to make sure your business is compliant in all aspects of moving goods cross borders.

Our approach is focussed on improving the quality of the customs and trade activities and making the supply chain more effective.

Our services

  • Customs declaration audits
  • Identification of customs saving opportunities
  • Customs valuation and classification 
  • Implementation of customs relief and suspension regimes 
  • Utilising available trade agreements
  • Risk mitigation
  • Duty savings programmes, such as customs warehousing, customs processing, end use and Tariff suspension and preferential origin management
  • Reviews of customs processes and controls
  • Excise
  • And much more!

Our approach

We are available for ad-hoc customs-related questions as well as larger customs projects. 

Additionally, we offer customs training tailored to the specific situation and questions of our client. 

Please feel free to contact us and our experts at will work with you to identify your needs to see how Cutraco can help you.